Are you using gamification to boost your social media results in 2023? According to psychology studies, gamification works because it taps into our natural competitive instincts and desire for reward. By setting goals and providing rewards for achieving them, we are motivated to put in more effort in order to get the desired result. This
Tag: employee engagement
Employee advocacy is just starting to hit its stride. With tech and collaboration tools that make it easier for employees to share content, a workforce that is becoming increasingly savvy on social media and execs who are becoming more aware of the importance of employee advocacy, this may be the ideal time to start an
To create a successful social media presence, businesses need to have engaged employees who are willing to participate in and advocate for the company. This can be a challenge, especially if employees aren’t recognized or incented for their social media engagement. They have other priorities that take up most of their time and attention. This
Recently I described how to develop an employee advocacy program. Naturally, one’s first thought is “Do I really need an entire program? Can’t I simply deploy employee advocacy tactics and get the same results?” Let’s look at the reasons to have an employee advocacy program in place compared to an ad hoc, informal approach to employee
In this post, we show you a highly effective way to incentivize employee advocacy by using an app that makes the process more convenient and seamless. But first, let’s understand what we mean when we say “employee advocate”, how employee advocacy helps the brand and what’s in it for individual employees. Definition of Employee Advocate
We are pleased to announce that Please Share now includes functionality to help companies boost engagement with the updates that they post on LinkedIn and Twitter. With just a few steps, businesses can add their Twitter handle and/or LinkedIn account to Please Share. Upon doing so, new posts are automatically fetched and sent to a
Nearly every business and organization today can benefit from an employee advocacy strategy, but the advantages may be different than you would think. Here are four distinct examples of how you, your teammates and your company can use employee advocacy to drive results. To begin though, let’s level set on the concept of employee advocacy.
Continuing from last week’s blog post, here are more tactics marketers are using to boost employee advocacy today. Highlight WIIFM, Share Personal Branding Tips and Training When it comes to employee advocacy and brand evangelism, don’t assume that your colleagues know “what’s in it for me” (WIFM). Point out these important benefits: By sharing high-quality