As you develop your B2B marketing plan for 2021 along with KPIs, don’t overlook the impact of employee advocacy. It’s a cost-effective element in your marketing plan that will boost reach, traffic, conversion, leads and revenue. Here’s proof of how employee advocacy can help you achieve success in 2021. Reach At the top of the
Tag: Employee Advocacy
Continuing from last week’s blog post, here are more tactics marketers are using to boost employee advocacy today. Highlight WIIFM, Share Personal Branding Tips and Training When it comes to employee advocacy and brand evangelism, don’t assume that your colleagues know “what’s in it for me” (WIFM). Point out these important benefits: By sharing high-quality
Is Please Share really the best Slack app ever created? You must be saying to yourself “whoa, do you really believe you’re better than thousands of apps on the Slack platform?” No, we don’t think we’re better than anyone else! Look, we’re just playing around here. Given everything that’s going on in the world right now,
Goals and metrics for content marketing include unique page visits, downloads, conversion rates and more. To meet and exceed these KPIs you need to get your content out into the world using owned, earned and/or paid distribution. With all that’s involved, distribution is often as complicated, time-consuming and costly as creating the content in the
Introducing Please Share – An Employee Advocacy Solution
We are excited to announce that we have officially launched the Please Share website and we are now accepting requests to join our beta program. Please Share is a new type of employee advocacy solution that helps marketers and HR professionals boost the reach of their social media posts by making it super easy and