onboard team members

How to Onboard Team Members to Please Share

Though still technically in our beta period, as we prepare to add Please Share to the Slack app directory and ramp up our promotional activities, one of the questions we have already received from customers is “what’s the best way to onboard team members and coworkers to Please Share?” This blog post will provide a

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why use employee advocacy

Why Use Employee Advocacy?

Nearly every business and organization today can benefit from an employee advocacy strategy, but the advantages may be different than you would think. Here are four distinct examples of how you, your teammates and your company can use employee advocacy to drive results. To begin though, let’s level set on the concept of employee advocacy.

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Employee advocacy solution ROI

Employee Advocacy ROI for Content Marketing

Goals and metrics for content marketing include unique page visits, downloads, conversion rates and more. To meet and exceed these KPIs you need to get your content out into the world using owned, earned and/or paid distribution. With all that’s involved, distribution is often as complicated, time-consuming and costly as creating the content in the

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