10 Astounding Slack Stats, 2022

Last year we shared 10 amazing Slack stats. As we’re well into this year, we revisited these Slack stats for 2022 and discovered some new jaw-dropping findings and trends. 1) 6.5 billion $6.5 billion is the estimated size of the workstream collaboration (WSC) market (which includes Slack) by 2024 according to Gartner. The WSC market

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Ephemeral Messages

Evolving from Ephemeral Messages in Slack

Please Share is an employee advocacy app specifically designed for Slack. We enable company employees to quickly share and/or engage with approved content directly from Slack and our app does not operate independently of Slack’s platform.  When setting out to create our solution, we were certainly familiar with Slack, but not necessarily its APIs or

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Slack logo background

What is Slack, and Why is it so Popular?

Reliable and efficient communication is instrumental in achieving short-term and long-term objectives within complex organizations. Slack is one of the revolutionary applications to optimize communication beyond SMS and email by adding functionality and accessibility. The app has been primarily helping software companies for the past decade, but because it is so easy to use and

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New Engagement Statistics & Functionality

In the coming months, we plan to revamp the statistics that we currently track and report on in Please Share. These enhancements will provide innovative ways for companies to monitor their employee advocacy initiatives and their return on investment (ROI). To (hopefully) hold our customers over until then, we recently introduced several new reporting features

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reimagining employee advocacy

Employee Advocacy, Reimagined

Many years ago, National Geographic published an article contrasting the evolution of telecommunications in different parts of the world. Where Western countries like those in North American and Europe built networks that evolved over many years – from wired to wireless technologies – developing countries were able to leverage the newer technologies when setting up

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