Today we introduced two small but useful updates to Please Share – an easy way to add @channel to any update and a new dismiss button for ephemeral messages in Slack. @channel Checkbox When posting share requests to Slack, Please Share end-users will see a new optional checkbox below the Description field. By default, the
Author: Thomas
Although we have been quiet on the blog front recently, that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been busy. In fact, we are in the middle of preparing two significant updates that we will announce soon. One of the updates is already finished and we hope to start beta testing the other one – with a few
Prior to, during and after building our first Slack app, Please Share, we’ve been intrigued by the growth trajectory of Slack. We typically save a few numbers here and there for our own internal purposes, but today we thought we’d share some of these stats in a blog for others to consume. So, with no
Several of us working on Please Share have written lots and lots of blog posts over the years. And, as anyone in technology marketing can attest, content creation – in particular blog posts – is an important tactic in a company’s overall marketing strategy. Those not familiar with the inner workings of marketing departments probably haven’t
A tactic we’ve been using to launch Please Share is to simply reconnect with former coworkers and tell them about our new service. As it turns out, chatting with former colleagues is also a great way to start the new year. We’ve not only been able to reestablish many old friendships and learned how people
We just want to take a moment to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! 2020 was a year we will not soon forget, but we are thankful that it’s now officially behind us. All the best to you as you start 2021 with a clean slate. Stay tuned for some exciting updates from the
We are excited to announce that Please Share has officially been added to the Slack app directory! Now any company using Slack can add the Please Share app to their workspace to encourage their employees to promote news and announcements on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The entire process – from adding Please Share to Slack
From the Please Share team to your team, your family and your friends, Happy Thanksgiving! This crazy year is nearly behind us and we hope that – for the next few days – you’re able to relax for a few minutes and enjoy time with those most important to you. Stay safe and cheers!
Is Please Share really the best Slack app ever created? You must be saying to yourself “whoa, do you really believe you’re better than thousands of apps on the Slack platform?” No, we don’t think we’re better than anyone else! Look, we’re just playing around here. Given everything that’s going on in the world right now,
Introducing Please Share – An Employee Advocacy Solution
We are excited to announce that we have officially launched the Please Share website and we are now accepting requests to join our beta program. Please Share is a new type of employee advocacy solution that helps marketers and HR professionals boost the reach of their social media posts by making it super easy and